topic 1
Virtual Spaces

Virtual Spaces

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3 ideas to explore

52.5% of event marketers are challenged by the logistics of virtual events and believe virtual events require a different set of skills and resources*.

Tennis inc.

The global pandemic has catapulted virtual event
and virtual meeting technologies at least 3–5 years
into the future.


New tools abound, this topic explores the answers to: how do you create a virtual space that takes your online event experience beyond the feel of a conference call? How can you leverage your virtual content to maximize your ROI?

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A new place to play!

idea 1

Creating Your Virtual Space: The Customer Experience Ecosystem

Low-code/no-code and ready-made virtual event platforms are making the creation of virtual spaces easier than ever. Read on for recommendations on where to start.

idea 2

There’s Pixels On The Horizon: The Long-Term Virtual Experience

Digital events create content cornucopias! Turn your virtual content into an ongoing marketing opportunity.

idea 3

Seamlessness of Experience

The goal is simplicity: friction-free is where it is at!

The Future of Events

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Virtually Cutting Through the Passive

3 ideas to explore
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